About Me

London, United Kingdom
Guy, early 40s, living in London but travelling to Budapest for Invisalign treatment

Monday 25 June 2007

Close shave

Not much to report other than that I had a couple of very uncomfortable hours when I thought I had lost aligner set 17 - probably in the car park of a restaurant in northeast Umbria. If you recall, set 16 got thrown away by mistake on a flight to Tokyo. At the time, sets 15 and 18 were both hundreds of miles away so I thought I was facing several days without aligners. Since I had already learnt at New Year just how quickly teeth can relapse when not wearing aligners, I thought I was in big trouble with Dr H. Anyway, I was majorly relieved to find them on the floor under the kitchen table.

I am a real pro at getting the new elastics on now - it takes about 2 minutes compared to the 30 minutes on the first attempt back in May.

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