About Me

London, United Kingdom
Guy, early 40s, living in London but travelling to Budapest for Invisalign treatment

Monday 14 August 2006

Second Set

Three weeks after my first visit I return to Budapest for a check-up. Dr H is pleased with my progress and fits half of the other attachments. These really increase the pressure on the teeth. The aligners now go on with a real snap - like a cell door swinging shut, says Dr H. We move onto the secons set of aligners.

As an added bonus, I get to go to the Sziget festival. Radiohead are playing on Saturday and I buy a napijégy (dayticket) from the jégyiroda (ticket agency) near the dentist's for 6000 forints. I hop in a taxi mid-afternoon out to the festival site, wander around for a few hours and see Radiohead play an excellent set in a reasonably uncrowded setting. The festival program says the open-air midnight screening of "Fehér Tenyér" will have English subtitles. The first long scene doesn't have much dialogue so it's only about twenty minutes in that it becomes clear that it won't. Only slightly disappointed, I leave and join the short queue for taxis back into town. A day like this would be impossible in London.

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