About Me

London, United Kingdom
Guy, early 40s, living in London but travelling to Budapest for Invisalign treatment

Monday 20 February 2006

My First Trip To Budapest

I book a cheap flight to Budapest on SkyEurope (unfortunately no longer flying the London-Budapest route) on Friday and arrive just after a snowstorm. I find the surgery just off Déak Tér where the three metro lines intersect and meet Dr H for the first time. He examines my teeth and takes photos and goes away and thinks for a bit. When he returns, he gives me the disappointing news that he doesn't think Invisalign is a suitable method for my teeth because opening the overbite and straightening the teeth is too big a job. He recommends lingual braces which I had decided I really didn't want - because they seem harder to wear and because they require more frequent check-ups and emergency repairs. I really can't commit to coming to Budapest every five weeks at the moment and it would certainly work out more expensive than having the work done in London.

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