About Me

London, United Kingdom
Guy, early 40s, living in London but travelling to Budapest for Invisalign treatment

Saturday 19 May 2007

Upstairs, Downstairs

A beautiful spring weekend in Budapest. Last visit, Dr H was concerned about my lower canines straying out of line and I had been wearing the lower set a lot more during the day. I felt the canines had improved and Dr H agreed. But he was concerned about three upper premolars which were relapsing because they had not rotated enough, possibly because I had skipped set 16. This meant set 18 was very hard to wear and was losing its grip on the problem premolars. He talked about going back to set 14 or making a midcourse correction (having the remaining aligners remade), but eventually decided to fit attachments on the teeth and use very strong elastic to pull them back into line. So for the next two months I will stay with set 17 and be fiddling with elastic which takes forever to put on the attachments. Actually, it's not that bad. The first time I fitted the elastic it took well over half an hour - it's amazing how quickly you get better at these things and now I can do it in under ten minutes.