About Me

London, United Kingdom
Guy, early 40s, living in London but travelling to Budapest for Invisalign treatment

Wednesday 15 March 2006

Swapping emails with Dr H

I have been thinking about Dr H's advice. I really respect the fact that he has not pushed Invisalign even though he knows it is the only course of treatment that would make sense to travel to Budapest for (reasons given below). I am just about to resign myself to lingual braces in London when Dr H gets in touch to say he has been to an Invisalign conference in New York where new treatment protocols were introduced which makes it possible to treat me using Invisalign. I am delighted with this news. He proposes that the treatment will last just over a year and quotes a price of just under 5,000 euros. This is quite a lot less than I was quoted for treatment in London, but it will involve at least ten trips to Budapest. I love visiting Budapest so if I think of this as the same price as London with lots of breaks in Budapest thrown in, it makes sense. If you were thinking of having Invisalign in Budapest solely to save money, I don't think it would work. I also rate Dr H more highly since he seemed to give a lot more thought to what was possible than the London orthodontist I saw.